Substance use and mental illness

About half of people with severe mental illness will have a problem with alcohol or drug use at some point in their lives.

If substance use goes unchecked, it can interfere with relationships, work, school, and other parts of life. Excessive alcohol and drug use can also harm the body, interact with medications that treat mental illness, and even make mental illness symptoms worse.

Take this lesson to learn important information about substance use and mental illness. You'll hear about the kinds of treatment options out there. You'll also get highlights about the latest scientific research on marijuana, alcohol, and mental illness.

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About half of people with severe mental illness will have a problem with alcohol or drug use at some point in their lives.

If substance use goes unchecked, it can interfere with relationships, work, school, and other parts of life. Excessive alcohol and drug use can also harm the body, interact with medications that treat mental illness, and even make mental illness symptoms worse.

Take this lesson to learn important information about substance use and mental illness. You'll hear about the kinds of treatment options out there. You'll also get highlights about the latest scientific research on marijuana, alcohol, and mental illness.


• YouTube video
Presents a unique way to think about and support people with substance use probl...
• 3rd-party resource
NPR story about cannabis laws, summarizes mental health risks.
• 3rd-party resource
Research summary from NIDA on cannabis and psychosis.